The Lord has been speaking to me about obedience and how it is imperative for us to know Him and to walk in his statutes ~ especially as this world becomes more and more corrupt. We are called to become more and more incorruptible:
Corinthians 15:53-55
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 55“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”
Most of us are familiar with these verses, having heard them read at funerals and memorials. However, the beauty of this passage is that we are delivered from death to life when we choose to repent from living life unto ourselves (and making a mess of it in our sin, selfish ways), and turn to receiving the LIFE Jesus offers. We move into Kingdom living in that moment of decision.
Once I am "alive in Christ", I am no longer going to die. The penalty of sin (death) has been defeated; I am going to move from life on earth to life in heaven once I pass from this realm. I am now "incorruptible", having been sealed with Holy Spirit who lives inside of me. The spirit in me is immortal; it is the God-breathed Life given to me when I was formed in my mother's womb, but it remains dead when still trapped in darkness of my sin-filled life, void of God's Life-giving Spirit. It is during this season that I am living under the power and authority of the "Prince of the Power of the air", commonly called Lucifer or Satan, God's most powerful angel who fell from heaven and makes war against God and His people.
Ephesians 2:1–2
1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
I can choose to walk into freedom. I can choose to obey God, or I can choose to disobey. If I have truly recognized the darkness within my natural heart, and my inability to remove this corruption myself, I can choose to allow Holy Spirit to begin to do a work within me, yielding "my" life and choices to His He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it.(Philippians 1:6). I am now "born again" and Jesus is my Savior, but also my Lord. Sometimes Christians forget the Lordship.
If I choose to disobey God and walk in my own ways, if I am not hardening my heart and denying God as Lord and Savior, I likely will not lose my salvation (unless I begin to mock the Holy Spirit and misattribute His work, which is called blasphemy), however, I will not experience the Freedom that has been offered. God is a gentleman, He will never force or coerce us to join Him in the river of His Life. He will never constrain us to obey His rules and statutes. For each decision we make, we have a consequence. If I remain disobedient, I continue corruptible. I won't change and grow from glory to glory, I won't experience the joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control promised by His Spirit ~ I will just stay living a mundane life.
If I choose to EMBRACE the life that has been given to me and allow Holy Spirit to work in me, bringing conviction of sin, as well as conviction of righteousness, I will begin to KNOW who I am in Him . I will begin to walk in a manner worthy of my calling (Ephesians 4:1) and be changed from glory to glory into God's likeness. When I stumble or make a mistake, I will recognize it as something that is not reflective of my true identity. I will have peace within. When I walk in ignorance, His Holy Spirit will gently correct me. When I embrace the power of His Spirit, I will walk in the privilege of the miraculous ~ day after day, moment by moment.
The church today does not look like the church of yesteryear. She is filled with worldly thinking and limited power. No longer do we see the massive healing revivals we used to - replete with miracles, signs and wonders ~ yet this is beginning to emerge once more as the Church begins to purify herself in righteousness. We have forgotten to what we were called; preferring to bask in our standing as His children and live for self ~ yet missing the very point of our existence ~ to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
It is my desire to be filled to overflowing with ALL that God has for me. I yearn to fulfill the purpose of this life He made in me ~ to have His glory be made manifest through me as He intended. When I walk in obedience to God's voice, I am free to receive all that He has to offer, and free to allow Him, in the person of Holy Spirit, to flow in and through me. I am empowered to live a powerful and exciting life!
Jesus was our example on earth; He lived a supernatural life. He was continually ministering healing and deliverance to people in addition to teaching the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are told that we can do the same ~ under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit. We are also shown that Jesus learned obedience by what He suffered, and that He offered up prayers and petitions to the One who could save Him ~ (Hebrews 5:7-8). Should we expect any less of ourselves ? Becoming obedient to God is just another way we become like Jesus. Becoming like Jesus is how God's glory is released on earth. It is what He would as the heartbeat of His Church ~ not self-glory or selfish gain.
Are you ready to walk in a powerful move of God on this earth? I am! I am ready for divine turnaround and a one-two punch against the darkness that encroaches us all. It is our fault ~ the church ~ that things have gotten so dark, and it is up to us to turn things around. We have the keys to God's Kingdom, and we have the rights to use them ~ but we must choose to agree with our Father. He will not move on our behalf unless we ask. He desires to use each of us to bring about the change. The only caveat? We must be willing to consecrate ourselves to His ways and allow His Spirit to rise up within us to push back the darkness. Let's begin to walk out of the error of living with darkness controlling our mind and lives, and walk into the realm of supernatural life!
The more we KNOW God ~ His voice, His ways, His way personally in each of us ~ and the more we heed His voice, the more we are prepared for Holy Spirit to have His way through us. As we learn to subdue our fleshly pursuits, placing all things under obedience to Christ Jesus and destroying arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), we gain power and authority in the natural realm. We begin to take on the mind of Christ and then can walk as He did while on earth. We have been given authority as ambassadors. We can speak as Jesus did and create a different outcome than what we are currently seeing.
Frankly, I am tired of being a lifeless Church in America. I am fed up with us, as a whole, not taking God at His Word. As I have begun to take Him more seriously, and have adjusted my choices accordingly, my life has grown richer and more effective in helping not only myself, but others, break free. I have found a wellspring of life deep within that is unshakeable. It is an ever-flowing river that steadies me as I go forth; tragedy or triumph it remains. This river is supernatural and brings forth amazing opportunities and transformations as I choose to agree with Heaven and call forth the things God wants to say. Come what may, I am assured of my Savior's presence and power within. It is an awesome and mighty gift from above and it is available to every one of us (James 1:17).
We are each called to take our place; we each have a part to play. Each of us is equally important with none being greater than the other ~ the potential for greatness is in all of us. Together we can take down the darkness that is destroying our land. All we have to do is choose to touch heaven and agree ~ allowing God to work through us and release His glory on this earth. Won't you join me as I embrace this divine destiny to which we have been called?! There is no way we will regret answering the call. πππ₯