Monday, June 21, 2021

The Freedom and Power in Obedience ~

 The Lord has been speaking to me about obedience and how it is imperative for us to know Him and to walk in his statutes ~ especially as this world becomes more and more corrupt. We are called to become more and more incorruptible:

Corinthians 15:53-55
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 55“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”

Most of us are familiar with these verses, having heard them read at funerals and memorials. However, the beauty of this passage is that we are delivered from death to life when we choose to repent from living life unto ourselves (and making a mess of it in our sin, selfish ways), and turn to receiving the LIFE Jesus offers.  We move into Kingdom living in that moment of decision. 

Once I am "alive in Christ", I am no longer going to die. The penalty of sin (death) has been defeated; I am going to move from life on earth to life in heaven once I pass from this realm.  I am now "incorruptible", having been sealed with Holy Spirit who lives inside of me.  The spirit in me is immortal; it is the God-breathed Life given to me when I was formed in my mother's womb, but it remains dead when still trapped in darkness of my sin-filled life, void of God's Life-giving Spirit. It is during this season that I am living under the power and authority of the "Prince of the Power of the air", commonly called Lucifer or Satan, God's most powerful angel who fell from heaven and makes war against God and His people. 

Ephesians 2:1–2 

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,

I can choose to walk into freedom. I can choose to obey God, or I can choose to disobey.  If I have truly recognized the darkness within my natural heart, and my inability to remove this corruption myself, I can choose to allow Holy Spirit to begin to do a work within me, yielding "my" life and choices to His He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it.(Philippians 1:6). I am now "born again" and Jesus is my Savior, but also my Lord. Sometimes Christians forget the Lordship. 
If I choose to disobey God and walk in my own ways, if I am not hardening my heart and denying God as Lord and Savior, I likely will not lose my salvation (unless I begin to mock the Holy Spirit and misattribute His work, which is called blasphemy), however, I will not experience the Freedom that has been offered. God is a gentleman, He will never force or coerce us to join Him in the river of His Life. He will never constrain us to obey His rules and statutes. For each decision we make, we have a consequence.  If I remain disobedient, I continue corruptible. I won't change and grow from glory to glory, I won't experience the joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control promised by His Spirit ~ I will just stay living a mundane life.  
If I choose to EMBRACE the life that has been given to me and allow Holy Spirit to work in me, bringing conviction of sin, as well as conviction of righteousness, I will begin to KNOW who I am in Him . I will begin to walk in a manner worthy of my calling (Ephesians 4:1) and be changed from glory to glory into God's likeness.  When I stumble or make a mistake, I will recognize it as something that is not reflective of my true identity. I will have peace within. When I walk in ignorance, His Holy Spirit will gently correct me.  When I embrace the power of His Spirit, I will walk in the privilege of the miraculous ~ day after day, moment by moment.  

The church today does not look like the church of yesteryear. She is filled with worldly thinking and limited power. No longer do we see the massive healing revivals we used to - replete with miracles, signs and wonders ~ yet this is beginning to emerge once more as the Church begins to purify herself in righteousness.  We have forgotten to what we were called; preferring to bask in our standing as His children and live for self ~ yet missing the very point of our existence ~  to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
It is my desire to be filled to overflowing with ALL that God has for me. I yearn to fulfill the purpose of this life He made in me ~  to have His glory be made manifest through me as He intended. When I walk in obedience to God's voice, I am free to receive all that He has to offer, and free to allow Him, in the person of Holy Spirit, to flow in and through me. I am empowered to live a powerful and exciting life!
Jesus was our example on earth; He lived a supernatural life. He was continually ministering healing and deliverance to people in addition to teaching the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are told that we can do the same ~ under the power and unction of the Holy Spirit.  We are also shown that Jesus learned obedience by what He suffered, and that He offered up prayers and petitions to the One who could save Him ~  (Hebrews 5:7-8). Should we expect any less of ourselves Becoming obedient to God is just another way we become like Jesus. Becoming like Jesus is how God's glory is released on earth. It is what He would as the heartbeat of His Church ~ not self-glory or selfish gain. 
Are you ready to walk in a powerful move of God on this earth? I am! I am ready for divine turnaround and a one-two punch against the darkness that encroaches us all.  It is our fault ~ the church ~ that things have gotten so dark, and it is up to us to turn things around. We have the keys to God's Kingdom, and we have the rights to use them ~ but we must choose to agree with our Father. He will not move on our behalf unless we ask. He desires to use each of us to bring about the change. The only caveat? We must be willing to consecrate ourselves to His ways and allow His Spirit to rise up within us to push back the darkness. Let's begin to walk out of the error of living with darkness controlling our mind and lives, and walk into the realm of supernatural life! 
The more we KNOW God ~ His voice, His ways, His way personally in each of us ~ and the more we heed His voice, the more we are prepared for Holy Spirit to have His way through us.  As we learn to subdue our fleshly pursuits, placing all things under obedience to Christ Jesus and destroying arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5), we gain power and authority in the natural realm. We begin to take on the mind of Christ and then can walk as He did while on earth. We have been given authority as ambassadors. We can speak as Jesus did and create a different outcome than what we are currently seeing.
Frankly, I am tired of being a lifeless Church in America. I am fed up with us, as a whole, not taking God at His Word. As I have begun to take Him more seriously, and have adjusted my choices accordingly, my life has grown richer and more effective in helping not only myself, but others, break free.  I have found a wellspring of life deep within that is unshakeable. It is an ever-flowing river that steadies me as I go forth; tragedy or triumph it remains. This river is supernatural and brings forth amazing opportunities and transformations as I choose to agree with Heaven and call forth the things God wants to say. Come what may, I am assured of my Savior's presence and power within. It is an awesome and mighty gift from above and it is available to every one of us  (James 1:17).
We are each called to take our place; we each have a part to play. Each of us is equally important with none being greater than the other ~ the potential for greatness is in all of us. Together we can take down the darkness that is destroying our land. All we have to do is choose to touch heaven and agree ~ allowing God to work through us and release His glory on this earth. Won't you join me as I embrace this divine destiny to which we have been called?! There is no way we will regret answering the call. πŸ’“πŸ™πŸ”₯

Friday, December 25, 2020

What Does it Mean When I Say "I Am a Christian"?

 I joined a group of writers who discourse on things of the Lord. The first topic was "what does it mean to be a Christian" ~ this is my response. 


25 December 2020

Dearest friends,

As I ponder the wonder of a King becoming a child again, our God coming to earth and becoming a flesh and blood human being...willingly entering the world as a babe who was wholly dependent upon fallen man for His very needs and sustenance, I am awed once again at this amazing gift and passionate love our God has for the people He created. In response to His love, I respond to the question *What does it mean to be a Christian?*.

The example set forth in the Bible is one of apostles and disciples who boldly went and proclaimed the good news of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection from the grave. Like Jesus, they also performed signs, wonders, and miracles that were available through the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus released to His own upon his death. They loved their lives not unto death (Revelation 12:11).  In the Old Testament, those who “believed God” were those who followed Him without question or understanding – Abraham of Chaldea who left his homeland to go where God was calling him, knowing not the destination…Moses, who led thousands in the wilderness, following the LORD as his compass and spending time face to friend as “friend”; Joseph who followed dreams into dungeons yet persisted in his honor of God and came out victorious for the Hebrew nation, and Esther who obediently put her life into service for the good of the many, willing to die for a cause much greater than herself. 

In the New Testament, Hebrews Chapter 11 talks about the heroes of faith who believed God and chose to pursue what He told them without necessarily ever seeing the outcomes He had promised.  Is this what it means to be a Christian? Following in “blind faith” where we feel God is leading us, trusting in the midst when it looks like “nothing is happening” and “nothing makes sense”? Hebrews 11:1 and 6 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” I believe this is a cornerstone of what being a Christian means.

We must believe God. Not just believe in Him, but actually BELIEVE Him, His words and His ways. To do this, we must spend time in the Bible, the written Word of God, getting to know Him. As we do, we begin to learn His voice and His thoughts toward us, which are consistent as He does not change (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). In learning more, our relationship with Him deepens; this becomes the foundation for our life in Christ.  Jesus warns that in the last days may will say to Him “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast our demons in Your name and done many wonders in Your name?” Yet He will respond to them “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.(Matthew 7:22-23) Why would He say this?

Romans 11:29 tells us that our gifts and callings are irrevocable. This means that I can have a gift and purpose for my life and use it for my own glory or fame. I can also use it intending to be for God but being out of alignment with Him. I can “cast out demons, prophesy and do many wonders” (Matthew 7:22) without ever following God’s plan for my life. We must choose to hearken to His voice and follow where He leads if we genuinely want to be His.  Often what God is saying makes little sense to the natural mind, such like many Old Testament faith heroes experienced. 

We risk facing persecution or rejection, we can expect to be labeled crazy or Jesus freaks; the disciples in the New Testament experienced much of this. However, Jesus’ example was clear. He told us, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” (John 5:19) and “I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.” (John 12:49).  As Christians, we are called to be so in tune with Holy Spirit within us that we can do and say what He leads.  Jesus walked under the power of Holy Spirit on earth, just as we do. The only difference between He and us was that He was so used to being in communion with His Father He could hear God’s voice clearly and He understood the power and authority living within Him.  Being a Christian means learning to know Holy Spirit with that intimacy. It means seeking to hear God’s voice clearly and responding to what we believe we are hearing ~ be it an impression, vision or nudging, a still small voice in our inner man, or an emotion that is understood implicitly to be from His heart. Everyone is wired differently and most whom I know “hear” God in various ways; He does still speak to His children today, and it is our responsibility to learn how He speaks to us.

I used to think that being a Christian meant doing what I saw in the Bible. I used to think it meant following all the things commanded and demonstrated in His Word.  It does, but it also does not.  God never meant for us to take that burden upon ourselves. We cannot conform ourselves into perfect beings, nor can we fight principalities and powers in the heavenly places with human strength and understanding (Ephesians 6:12). God takes full responsibility for the outcomes in our lives, as long as we are surrendered to His Lordship. He takes great pleasure in “transforming us into His same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18b).  God reminds us that it is Him working IN US which is the transforming agent and power (Philippians 2:13). He tells us in Galatians 2:20 that “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

I am ever so thankful that I am in relationship with a covenant keeping God who takes responsibility for both of us. My job is to Have faith, to Know Him, and to Stay in relationship with Holy Spirit. His job is to lead, guide, comfort, protect and conform me into His image.  Praise Jesus that He loved, us so much that He gave His life in exchange for ours. We were “the joy set before Him(Hebrews 12:2). We can trust Him and His love for us even today. We can choose to surrender our agendas and live the life He has fashioned us uniquely for and is calling us to rise into. Oh, HalleluYAH! We are so incredibly BLESSED to be His!

God’s wonder-working power living in us, His dedication to grow and conform us, and Holy Spirit’s comforting, shepherding, and protecting of us makes the Christian journey an awesome adventure of faith. My life verse sums it up well “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

God’s blessings on all on this fine Christmas morn!



Monday, July 13, 2020

Tragic Losses

As the Sun Sets on a Life...

I lost an old friend to cancer...That nasty disease that claims so many lives in our world. She had been battling valiantly for 12 years, experiencing many bony issues due to the constant chemo and health challenges. The most recent was hip surgery in May; a surgery that she had been recovering from before being setback by a bout of pneumonia. It was this pneumonia that ultimately ender her life; her last hurrah before passing.

Kelley lived life in many ways like I did. She received her undergraduate degree in Music Therapy at the college where we met as sorority sisters. Mine was in Occupational Therapy.  She finished schooling with her Masters in Speech Pathology, ultimately becoming a speech and language pathologist working with children in her local school system. I completed a Master's in Early Childhood Special Education and began working with children in their homes through a local community services board.  Kelley had a passion to help children achieve all they desired, and to encourage them to see themselves through the eyes of love and ability instead of through the eyes of inability and challenge. This, too, is my heart in serving children. It is a beautiful life and very fulfilling.

Yet ~ there was one area in which we were vastly different. Kelley didn't know Jesus. Many believe it doesn't matter as long as you are a "good person."  These that believe this do not understand the spiritual laws in place, which I get, as I was once there, too.  Kelley most definitely qualified as a "good person."  She was a downright amazing woman who loved lavishly, lived fully, and embraced the world and challenges head on with hope ~ all while continuing to extend encouragement and hope to others.  She didn't lie about her illness or her bad days, but she didn't let them define her.  She was a victor on earth if ever there was one ~ and she was an inspiration to many who knew her. I wish this life lived in love ended in love forever more...but it counted for nothing in her end as anything we do on earth does not make a difference in the final conflict of time when we don't know Jesus. Life is eternal and our death is a transition between states of being. We move from death on earth to eternal damnation if we have not been rescued by the one Savior sent to this world by our incredibly loving God. Jesus came to earth to serve the sentence we deserved for our transgressions against the laws of the Heaven.  He lived a spotless, perfect life and chose to be a living sacrifice, paying atonement for our misdeeds against God through death on a cross.  His death bought us life as he then defeated the devil in the game of death and took back the keys of sin and death that had been turned over to the devil by Adam in the Garden of Eden so long ago.  Those of us who receive Jesus's sacrifice on our behalf are immediately transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light (Colossians 1:13). No longer slaves to the kingdom of darkness which rules here on earth. 

 The devil loves deceiving us into believing that our lives are our own...

I had lost consistent touch with Kelley over the years, so we had that well known virtual relationship as Facebook friends.  We shared several of the same friends from our years at CSU and time spent in our sorority. Many still live in Colorado where we had met, and where Kelley resided, so they would get together regularly. I kept up with the gatherings via photos they posted on personal pages or on our group page. I did not know she was not a Christian. Many of her friends were. Had I known, I am not sure what influence I  may have tried to express from a distance, but more pointed prayers could have helped.  I just really didn't know, as she lived the way I believe Jesus would have called her to. However, speculation as to would have/could have/should have at this point is fruitless. 

A couple of weeks before Kelley passed, a mutual friend alerted me that she had tried talking with her about Jesus and had not been received. Kelley believed in a God of some sort ~ a "higher power." She had subscribed to the sweet and lovely spiritual lingo that is all over our nation; let's talk about love and kindness and heaven and the next life....New Age mysticism, which is doctrines of demons ~ a belief system run by the devil himself to keep people from knowing the Truth about Jesus. 

I began praying in earnest. I alerted other intercessors and we contended. I began sending encouraging notes with much more emphasis on eternity and Jesus instead of simple and sweet words.  As far as I could tell, she didn't receive them in any way except encouragement to her from the vantage point of "what I believe."  She lived by that great deception that we can all believe whatever we want and still be okay. It hurts my heart. 

My pastor said that 67% of Christians don't even believe in a literal hell ~ where does that leave the rest of the world, but in darkness to the Truth.  Many friends were wishing her peace and expressing spiritual love that had no basis.  The number sending notes in the 24-48 hours before she died that spoke to her about the "better place" she would be going, or the "peace" she would "finally experience" after so many years of this wearying battle were so hard to read. I wanted to scream at each of them ~ "NO!! SHE DOESN'T KNOW JESUS!! SHE BELONGS TO THE DEVIL BY LAW!! WAKE UP!! THIS IS NOT GOOD!."  Instead, I was silent, to hijack the well wishes with a sledgehammer was not going to work, and it would cause problems. Kelley was no longer up for visitors or interactions via messenger.

She had seen her son graduate college not long before passing, and she had experienced many lovely adventures with her children, stepchildren and family ~ she had "lived" and was being "allowed to let go."  Oh how my heart broke day after day when I prayed for her salvation.  God showed me she wasn't receptive during most of the times I prayed...I sincerely hoped that she would hear His heart beckon and said "yes" to the life eternal He was offering before she took her last breath. I have grave doubt that she actually did...I had sensed the LORD telling me otherwise...

Kelley, I wish you were not eternally separated from our Father and Love. I wish with everything in me that you had said YES to Jesus. Eternal fire is not wished on my darkest nemesis let alone a beloved friend. Hell is very real. Heaven is also real ~ and more glorious than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The choice is ours ~ we each must personally be held accountable to the spiritual laws of justice. 

So, I am again reminded of the vapor of our lives (James 4:14).  I would ask my readers ~ do you Know where you will be when you die? Are you Assured of your eternal resting place? If you do not know Jesus intimately, He says He will not know you when you desire to enter His kingdom, regardless of the "good" person you have been (Matthew 7:21-23)...

Oh, KelleyπŸ’”πŸ’” how my heart breaks when I realize that the loss of your shine here on earth means an eternal loss of your soul ... I grieve that you just didn't know what you didn't know. How our Father's heart must break for His beloved ones who never take the time to explore the Truth of His Word and Love...(John 3:16)

I wish I could say "Rest in Peace" and be happy for you ~ but I can only express what I am sensing, which is a heavy heart that murmurs..."Now you know...but it is too late..."  Oh won't you readers choose Jesus today.  Oh my heart....πŸ˜₯ I must seek His heart for Hope and comfort...I must be still... and know that He is God, and He is always good. Good-bye, Kelley ~ you've passed into the fullness of eternity. I grieve the loss of your beauty and grace in this world. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

In A Moment's Time...

And so it happened ~

It had been awhile since I'd had an emotional response that did not support my truth. I've generally become better at taking things to the LORD in prayer, giving something pause before considering what to do, or just walking away and allowing the dust to settle; not this time. This time an emotional trigger sprung up out of nowhere, causing me to feel a pain I couldn't place, nor understand...I reacted without clear thought. Anxious to assuage my inner feelings, I didn't respond with consideration of what I was actually thinking. Needless to say, I ended up in a position I hadn't intended, with a mild fallout I wouldn't have chosen in clear mindedness...My heart is still under construction.

Have you ever worked so carefully at noticing and changing a specific thought pattern or behavior that you forget it can still have power? And then, when hurt by one who expresses assumption that this behavior is core to your identity, you respond in a way equally unhelpful? Fast forward to me a few days ago.

In asking myself why I chose to respond as I did, I've come to realize it was compelled by insecurity. That blasted piece of our humanity which rises up when we feel misjudged, pigeon-holed, or trapped in another's mindset. Rather than just allowing this person to believe what they wanted, I responded by trying to change how I felt (in lieu of the equally futile effort of trying to use words to explain myself in order to change their perception).

From a spirit of timidity, I spoke. Fearing more judgment or rejection and trying to protect myself against further emotional pain, my words became shorter and less clear, giving room for misinterpretation.  In that moment, when a behavior I abhor was assigned as my truth, I reacted instead of responding. In that moment, I wanted to push back against the hurt. In that moment, I did the very thing I was avoiding; I used words to create a picture. I thought what I expressed would help me to not feel so powerless and pained. It did, but only for a moment. The words weren't unkind in a sense of anger or attack, nor were they erring in their content...they were just unnecessary. They were not my truest heart. I blew it.

So, today I pause. I look back at the moment when I let the pain of insecurity control my thoughts and responses. I notice the unexpected heart challenge it has caused me as I slowly navigate back to center. I am gentle with myself. I recognize that in my humanity I make dumb decisions, and will continue to do so in the future. I ask the Lord to repair any breach I may have created. I seek Him to  restore my confidence in His plan and increase my trust in His heart within me. Truly, His way is the only way to righteousness, grace and peace.  I am back under His heart. Perhaps a bit worse for the wear in my own, but assured in the steady rhythm of knowing that only one path points due North, and that is the path of grace. God has a plan. It is better than mine. I can trust His heart for me ~ even when I cannot trust my own. What a glorious gift of mercy <3

The Freedom and Power in Obedience ~

 The Lord has been speaking to me about obedience and how it is imperative for us to know Him and to walk in his statutes ~ especially as...